Distributor work assignments

1. Create DNG;
2. Distribute DNG to Editors;
3. Create Collections;
4. Send Collections to Clients;
5. Receive Collections & Distribute them to Editors;
6. Check & confirm folders for the new photography day.


PC #1

1. Check daily work assignments in the calendar;
2. Start from the top and go down in orders. (Earliest to latest);
3. In the Dropbox RAW & DNG folder check if all images are uploaded from photographers for the property;
4. Import images in Lightroom and apply REPROPIX Metadata at import;
5. Check if all files are imported and if the camera profile was embedded in the image;
6. Stack images by capturing time. Check if stacked corrected – no double stacks or no separate images;
7. Process HDR.

While 1st machine is processing using the next station and proceed with the same.

8. HDR is created;
9. Separate HDR from RAW moving RAW to a separate folder;
10. According to the clients, order select the requested amount of images to process;
11. Add to the SELECTED folder;
12. Create a folder in OUTSOURCE GROUP. (Duplicate sample there and rename);
13. Distribute images to editors;
14. Notify each editor about uploaded files: Property name/Image count;
15. Proceed to the next property.

Find video tutorial below in this page.

Create collections (PICU online)

If the customer selects images you will do the following.

1. Process DNG as usual;
2. Create JPG files from DNG:

2.1. Import all created DNG files to Lightroom;
2.2. Select all – export to COLLECTIONS. (make sure previous collections images are deleted from the dedicated folder).

3. In PICU create a new collection. Name it a property name;
4. Upload all JPG files. Insert files to collection;
5. Create a collection password (today’s day & month example: 0525);
6. Copy collection link;
7. Insert the collection link in the word file that is sent from Gmail. Update password;
8. Add customer email in PICU;
9. Send collection to the client;
10. Email duplicate collection info via Gmail;
11. Send a Text message;
12. Move the property folder to the “Collections Standby” folder;
13. Remove JPG files from the COLLECTIONS export folder.

Distribute collections

1. Check if any collections are selected. (PICU online);
2. If yes – download the selection text file to the appropriate folder;
3. Find and add DNG files to the SORTED folder according to customer selections;
4. Preview in Adobe Bridge for possible mistakes (sometimes clients choose the same images 2 times). Replace with a different shot in a case like that;
5. Deliver images to editors;
6. Move Collection online to trash.

Check folders for the new photography day

1. Verify folders in Dropbox with next day calendar.
2. Adjust accordingly (all folders are created, but it might be in a different day folder)
3. Confirm to management that process complete when done.

Uploading Pics to Picu

Stacking & Creating DNG